Under certain circumstances, it may be possible to perform the hair transplant without shaving the head. In this case, only a small area in the donor site needs shaving, as well as a few centimeters between the recipient area and the existing hair, ensuring a seamless transition. Long hair transplantation is particularly suitable for women or men with longer hair who do not wish to shave it off. This technique is only possible if only a small amount of hair needs transplanting.
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Why Full Hair Makes Us More Attractive
We often find people with full, thick hair particularly attractive. But why? The explanation is not only purely social, but also biological. Read on and find out more!
Hair Loss Remedies
If you suffer from hair loss, you have certainly already tried countless things. Read on to learn about reasons and remedies for hair loss.
Hereditary Hair Loss: Causes, Symptoms & Therapy
Hereditary predisposition is the most common cause of hair loss. Here you find everything about the symptoms & forms of treatment.
Autologous Blood Treatment For Hair
Your hair is starting to fall out? The autologous blood treatment can work wonders with just a few treatments.