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Receding Hairline in Women: Causes & Treatment

Receding Hairline in Women: Causes & Treatment

Medical Director Dr. Hans-Georg Dauer

9 min

May 2, 2022

Are receding hairlines typically a man's problem? Not at all, women can also have these unpleasant bald spots.

Not infrequently, the small bulges to the left and right of the hairline rob them of their last nerve. And tadaa, there it is, the dreaded high forehead.

But how does hair loss actually occur? Who is particularly affected by thinning of hair? And how can the dream of a full head of hair still be fulfilled?

Let's take a closer look at this special form of hair loss: A receding hairline in women – what's going on there?

Frequently Asked: Why Do Receding Hairlines Occur in Women in the First Place?

The main culprits are the genes. Behind the premature hair loss is a so-called androgenic alopecia, better known as hereditary hair loss. This is a hypersensitivity of the hair follicles. They do not tolerate the male sex hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

But what do these male sex hormones actually have to do in the female body? Quite simple: DHT is a modification of testosterone. And exactly this modification also occurs in the female body.

However, the male predisposition does not appear. The reason: since the female body produces estrogen at the same time, it can compensate for the male variation – at least as a rule of thumb.

However, there are also exceptional situations. If hormonal fluctuations occur, the estrogen level decreases. As a result, androgenic alopecia takes its course, as it can no longer be compensated by the estrogen.

Especially in hormonal extreme situations such as puberty, after pregnancy, during menopause or after discontinuation of the contraceptive pill, the hormonal balance quickly gets out of balance. The risk of hair loss is all the higher here.

Good to know: Some people naturally have a higher, V-shaped hairline, known in both men and women as a widow’s peak. As long as the hairline does not recede over time, a widow’s peak is usually nothing to worry about.

Those who feel uncomfortable with their widow’s peak might consider styling their hair in concealing hairstyles or undergoing a hair transplant.

Receding hairline during menopause

Particularly often, women in menopause suffer from a receding hairline. The main reason: Our body stops the production of female sex hormones. This makes it all the easier for male sex hormones such as DHT to act out.

Not without reason, typically male features and characteristics of hereditary hair loss often occur during menopause.

Thus, it isn’t often just a receding hairline. Bald patches at the back of the head are also possible.

Initially, androgenic alopecia is usually noticeable at the temples. The hair becomes noticeably thin and fine. Occasionally the hair also feels particularly soft – almost like down feathers.

The more the alopecia progresses, the more the hair density decreases – until the hair eventually falls out completely.

However, complete baldness is extremely rare in women, as it is in men. Mostly it remains with a tonsure, a circular baldness at the back of the head.

Further reasons for a receding hairline in women

While the main cause of a receding hairline in women lies in the family history, other triggers are possible as well.

It is not uncommon for an iron deficiency to be the hidden reason behind the hair loss. Almost one third of all female patients with diffuse hair loss are diagnosed with this deficiency.

Just as likely are receding hairlines after a radical diet. The rapid weight loss favors deficiency symptoms, which in turn lead to hair loss.

Disorders of the thyroid gland are also conceivable. Whether over- or under function – both can cause hair loss in both men and women.

Stress can also be the reason, as it can lead to telogen effluvium, a type of hair loss induced by particularly stressful events – such as psychological stress, an accident or childbirth.

Another type of hair loss, alopecia areata – also known as circular hair loss – leads to hair loss in specific spots on the head or body.

Although alopecia areata does not cause a typically receding hairline, it can affect areas along the hairline, resulting in various patchy types of hairlines.

The role of hair styling in hair loss among women

Sometimes it simply comes down to the way we style and take care of our hair.

If you wash, blow dry, style and use aggressive care products too often, you will eventually get payback. Our hair no longer puts up with it. In no time at all, the stressed follicles say goodbye to our hair.

Another potential reason behind the development of a high hairline is traction alopecia: When using very tight hairstyles, such as tight ponytails, buns, or braids, over a continuous period of time, this can put great stress on the hair. As a result, it can fall out.

The good news is that in most cases, your hair will naturally grow back on its own if you opt for loose hairstyles.

Receding Hairline in Women – What Can I Do About it?

The be-all and end-all for the treatment of hair loss is the correct diagnosis. All the more important is a visit to the dermatologist of trust.

They carefully examine the bald spots, conduct a detailed discussion about the patient's lifestyle and determine the trigger for the receding hairline on the basis of their examination results.

If the diagnosis is androgenic alopecia, the dermatologist has a clear recommendation: start therapy as soon as possible. Because with hormonal hereditary hair loss the clock cannot be turned back.

In other words, you can no longer retrieve hair follicles that have already died. But at least baldness can be prevented.

With tinctures, shampoos or medications, the progressive hair loss should be inhibited and the remaining hair roots protected. Especially good results are achieved by well-tried active ingredients such as minoxidil or caffeine.

But beware: shampoos, tinctures and medicines are only a temporary solution to reduce hair loss. As soon as the patient stops taking them, the hair loss starts again. Those affected are, so to speak, dependent on the preparations.

If the diagnosis is diffuse hair loss, a blood count is worthwhile. It is possible that there are deficiency symptoms – for example an iron, zinc or vitamin D deficiency.

If this is the case, the deficiency can often be remedied quickly and easily. A more balanced diet, plenty of exercise, 2 to 2.5 liters of fluid per day or the right dietary supplements will get hair growth back on track.

Good to know: For brittle nails and limp hair follicles, experts advise Pantogar. The preparation specifically stimulates the tired metabolism of the hair roots and promotes the formation of new cells.

The pleasing result: Hair loss comes to a temporary halt and hair growth returns to its natural growth phase. Gradually, the usual cycle settles down again.

Conceal a receding hairline with hairstyles

Women are particularly troubled by receding hairlines. Long, strong and healthy hair is considered the symbol of youth, beauty and femininity par excellence.

If they lose this symbol of beauty, the pressure of suffering is immense. The visual blemish can lead to depression, self-isolation and anxiety disorders.

But there is also good news: As long as the receding hairline is not too pronounced, it can be easily concealed with the right hairstyle. With a little flair, the high forehead is as good as gone. How about a few hairstyle tips?

  • Middle parting: This hairstyle is ideal for bald temples. Especially with long top hair, the light parts can be covered without problems.
  • Bangs: A dense fringe wraps around the bald areas like a fine protective layer. The high forehead disappears in an instant.
  • Side parting: A slight side parting works wonders for receding hairline.
  • Pixie Cut: The perfect short hairstyle for receding hairline.


Those who not only want to conceal, but also to treat, opt for autohaemotherapy, also known as autologous blood treatment.

Here the name says it all: with the power of your own blood, the sagging hair growth should soon be working at full speed again.

The treatment principle is simple: First, the attending physician takes a small amount of blood from the patient. They then prepare the blood.

In other words, they extract the most valuable components, which contain a multitude of nutrients and growth proteins.

Of course, the blood concentrate can also be pampered up effortlessly. With special drugs and active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, the miracle fluid reaches a new level.

Once the blood has been centrifuged, the fluid is injected into the scalp. Using fine needles, the doctor injects it into the lower layers of the skin.

But don't worry: the procedure is not painful. Thanks to the extremely delicate and precise needles, you feel virtually nothing during the injection.

Not even an anesthetic is necessary. However, anesthesia is of course also possible upon request.

Since autohaemotherapy is performed on an outpatient basis, the patient can go home directly after the procedure. An in-house stay is not necessary.

The duration of the treatment is just as manageable. Generally, it should not take longer than one hour.

And what about the results? Excellent, already a few weeks after the treatment an improvement is visible and noticeable. The coat looks fresher, livelier and more powerful.

However, one session is usually not enough for the best possible result. Experienced dermatologists recommend several follow-up sessions. Three to four sessions at intervals of four weeks are ideal.

Professional Autohaemotherapy at HAIR & SKIN

Many alopecia patients are uncertain before the autologous blood treatment: Who can I trust with the procedure? Who has enough experience with autohaemotherapy? And where/who can I trust my precious scalp to be handled with the right, human touch?

Maybe HAIR & SKIN can take away your doubts. Our experts are highly skilled in autologous blood treatments and available across Switzerland – whether in Winterthur, Basel, Zurich, Lucerne, Aarau, or St. Gallen. Our experienced doctors know their trade.

Technical innovation plays a major role for our Swiss specialists. They go about their work using only the most modern methods and in the most advanced premises – true to the motto "only the best for the patient".

You don't like long waiting times? That's good, because we don't either. That's why we offer you quick appointments just a few weeks after signing the contract. Because if there's one thing that can't wait, it's our hair.

The Hair Transplant – The Final Way Out Of Hair Loss

Whether it's tinctures with minoxidil, shampoos with caffeine, a perfectly thought-out diet plan, a super-gentle grooming routine or sophisticated concealer hairstyles – unfortunately, none of it permanently solves our hair problem.

If you want peace of mind once and for all, you'll be doing yourself a favor by getting a hair transplant. Because these hairs have come to stay. Permanently they fill up your hair.

But what is it actually – a hair transplant?

In a hair transplant, the attending physician thickens your hair with grafts. To do this, they use a strongly overgrown donor area of your body – most often from the back of your head.

The reason: these hair roots are immune to the hair loss hormone DHT. If they come into contact with it, they continue to stand their ground.

After the donor area, the physician now turns their attention to the recipient area. Using the finest blades, they expose narrow channels on the scalp and create space for the fresh hair roots.

They then insert the follicles step by step into the mini channels – always exactly along the direction of growth. After all, the result should look impressively natural.

Done, now the hair roots are transplanted. Now all you have to do is be patient.

And please do not be frightened: Between the first and third month after the operation, the hair roots can be lost again. Up to 90 percent fall out. But that is all right. The so-called shock loss is a well-known medical phenomenon.

No later than six months after the procedure, the "shocked" hair roots recover on their own and grow back thick and strong. At first, only a fine fuzz forms on the scalp. In the course of time, however, this becomes stronger and fuller.

Patients can look forward to the final result of the transplant no later than twelve months after the operation. And the joy is lasting. After all, the freshly transplanted hair is no longer lost.

Sounds good, now you just need the right contact person at your side. What do you think of HAIR & SKIN, for example? In addition to professional autologous blood treatments, our modern Swiss clinics also have hair transplants in their repertoire.

Using the most innovative methods on the market, our doctors will give you new freshness, vitality and youthfulness.

Do you like to play it safe with your hair? Then why not combine the procedure with our autologous blood treatment? In combination, the two are an unbeatable duo.

Have we aroused your interest? Let’s get to know each other better – why not today?

Contact HAIR & SKIN now for a free consultation and regain your youthful freshness. We believe that receding hairlines shouldn’t be a problem for women any longer.

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