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Body Hair Transplant – Chest Hair as a Solution

Body Hair Transplant – Chest Hair as a Solution

Miriam Otero

11 min

November 21, 2023

Just like Elton John, Christian Lindner has publicly endorsed it and even Elon Musk has probably already resorted to it – hair transplants are no longer a niche phenomenon. For men in particular, the method is the only permanently effective solution for reducing hereditary hair loss.

If there is a lack of donor hair, some clinics also offer body hair transplantations (BHT). Even though HAIR & SKIN clinics do not offer this option at present, we would like to provide information about transplantation using body hair in this article.

Following the development of the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, body hair has been used as donor material for hair transplants. They are mainly used when a sufficient amount of hair follicles cannot be extracted from the patient's hair follicles for transplantation.

In this article, we answer the most important questions about FUE hair transplants with body hair.

The most important facts in brief

  • Hair transplants with body hair are a proven alternative if a classic scalp hair transplant is not an option
  • Chest hair in particular is suitable for a successful transplant thanks to its structure
  • Chest hair can be adapted particularly flexibly to the recipient area
  • Thanks to the FUE technique, scarring is kept to a minimum, leaving no visible scars

What different types of body hair are there?

The human body comprises various types of hair, which differ in terms of size, shape and texture. Compared to head hair, it is often thicker, shorter and stronger.

In general, body hair is mainly found on parts of the body such as the legs, arms, chest, back or pubic area. As body hair usually has a particularly high density, it is generally also suitable for hair transplants, depending on individual hair growth and its growth cycle.

What are the special features of body hair transplants?

Hair transplants with body hair are an effective and sustainable solution to permanently stop hair loss. A particular advantage of using body hair for hair transplants is its enormous robustness and durability. In contrast to scalp hair, body hair can also be transplanted several times during a hair transplant.

However, high precision is required for hair transplants with body hair. The donor material is not anchored as deeply in the skin as the scalp hair that is usually used and therefore a much deeper transplant into the scalp must take place.

Furthermore, we need to ensure that the hair used is similar in structure to the scalp hair. For this reason, beard hair or pubic hair are not suitable.

At the same time, body hair must be transplanted at the correct emerging angle so that a natural growth direction can be maintained in the hairline.

Hair transplants with chest hair

Chest hair harvesting is particularly effective for transplantation: it is usually much denser than scalp hair and, above all, very flexible. This allows hair transplant surgeons to adapt the hair in different directions and in the shape and volume of the recipient area.

Chest hair growth is not genetically predetermined, so it matches the growth of the surrounding scalp hair when transplanted. Given this advantage, chest hair is almost perfectly suited as donor hair for hair transplants in the scalp area.

For whom is a chest hair transplant most suitable?

In principle, a chest hair transplant can be suitable for people of all ages – especially if other areas of the body are not suitable for hair extraction. The main target group is therefore patients who suffer from hereditary hair loss – for example men with male pattern baldness caused by androgenetic alopecia.

If there is insufficient donor material at the patient's hairline, the chest hair can be used to perform a complete hair transplant. The hair restoration surgery is gentle, tried and tested and can help those who have no other option for hair transplantation.

As chest hair does not usually change over a long period of time, it is ideal for people whose hair loss is due to hereditary factors. Additionally, it is an alternative for people with chemical allergies or intolerances to various solvents used in other hair transplant techniques.

The advantages of a hair transplant with chest hair

The hair transplant procedure's advantages are obvious: a chest hair transplant is often gentler than other options and there are usually no allergic reactions or intolerances thanks to autologous hair transplants. In addition, doctors can place more grafts in a shorter time than with other methods.

What do I need to bear in mind after a body hair transplant?

It is extremely important to follow the expert's instructions during a hair transplant and to take proper care afterwards to ensure a speedy recovery.

Normally, this process after a hair transplant with body hair is planned individually for each patient and lasts from the hair transplant surgery until several weeks afterwards.

It is therefore essential to take the prescribed medication as planned and to carry out hair care properly after the hair transplant.

It is important to have regular check-ups with your doctor after your hair transplant. This is especially necessary if you are taking immunosuppressive medication or suffer from an autoimmune disease.

A check-up can help to recognise and treat possible complications at an early stage. Following a hair transplant with body hair, you should also make sure you have a balanced diet and an optimal supply of vitamins and minerals.

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Protect your new attitude to life

Alongside regular check-ups, it is essential to protect your head and the donor area from external influences after a chest hair or body hair transplant so that you can enjoy your new hair for as long as possible.

Sunburn is never pleasant – but it is pure poison for newly transplanted hair and your scalp. Avoid direct sunlight and protect your head with an appropriate covering on hot, sunny days. As difficult as it may be for you to hide your full head of hair straight away. It will definitely pay off in the long run.

The right care after a hair transplant – more than just washing

Proper (and careful) care ensures the success of your body hair transplant. Immediately after the operation, your head must not be touched or washed.

For this reason, we only allow our patients to carefully cover the treated head area with our self-developed foam using their fingertips from the third day after the operation and gently rinse it off after 30 minutes.

The remaining hair is then washed with the special HAIR & SKIN shampoo and the donor site at the back of the head is massaged with gentle, circular movements. Finally, the product is rinsed off and carefully dabbed off with a paper towel. Fabric towels must not be used as this could damage the grafts.

From the eighth day onwards, the washing movements in the donor area must be supplemented with circular movements in order to gently remove the remaining crusts. There should be no crusts left at the check-up on the tenth day. From the eleventh day onwards, the usual hair washing can be continued as before the transplant.

If you are unsure about the right care, take a look at our detailed care FAQs.


By opting for a hair transplant with body hair, you are not only making a life-changing choice, you are also joining prominent company – because thanks to modern treatment methods, a body hair transplant is no longer a mysterious niche product.

The FUE method is a tried and tested treatment method that is also available to you if you do not have sufficient donor material for a classic hair transplant – without having to sacrifice long-lasting hair splendour.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, HAIR & SKIN does not currently perform hair transplants with body hair. However, we would be happy to advise you free of charge as to whether you are suitable for a conventional hair transplant!

At HAIR & SKIN, you can rely on the Swiss market leader for hair transplants and autologous blood treatments – at favourable conditions and with the option of paying in instalments.

You benefit from Swiss quality standards in centrally located, inviting specialist clinics with certified professionals and a thorough consultation. Using state-of-the-art methods and proven technologies, we guarantee precise and particularly natural-looking final results – and a new attitude to life.

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