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Why Full Hair Makes Us More Attractive

Why Full Hair Makes Us More Attractive

Miriam Otero

5 min

November 12, 2023

As humans, we have always been fascinated by beauty and aesthetics, and beautiful, full hair is one of the clear characteristics of attractiveness.

This can be deduced from depictions from antiquity or even older works of art: they have shown people with full, well-groomed and sometimes decorated hair since the dawn of time.

Even in those days, anyone with tangled, dishevelled, dirty or receding hair was considered unkempt.

Having a full head of hair has therefore been considered a status symbol among humankind for centuries – if not millennia – and contributes greatly to how we are perceived by our fellow human beings.

Anyone who had the time and means to care for their hair, protect it from damage and even decorate it was considered a respected member of society.

This status symbol has endured over the centuries: even today, beautiful hair is still considered a mark of attractiveness. Read on if you want to know why!

Biological explanation: hair as a health feature

Initially, we will get to the bottom of the question of what hair actually is and why it is biologically important. Our hair, like our nails, are so-called skin appendages and consist largely of keratin.

Hair analyses can determine which harmful substances are in our bloodstream, which substances we have consumed and whether we have been exposed to stress. Even certain eating habits can be recognised through our hair!

Accordingly, hair is a mirror of our health, which is why strong hair testifies to vitality and a healthy lifestyle. For women in particular, long, full hair stands for femininity.

From a biological point of view, flowing hair is so attractive because it is associated with health and fertility.

Social factor: hair as an accessory

Our hair is one of the first characteristics that others notice about our appearance and is therefore an important recognisable feature.

As such, it is one of the most important means of expression: as a sign of personal style, as a political or religious statement, as a symbol of rebellion or conformity – our hair offers us every opportunity to express ourselves.

Our self-perception is also strongly influenced by different hairstyles: a new haircut, a refreshed hair colour or modern styling has the power to transform our attitude to life.

For women in particular, long hair – as mentioned above – is an important sign of femininity and beauty (so longer hair especially helps female faces to improve facial features).

Consequently, hair loss and other hair problems come with serious consequences for self-esteem.

The perceived attractiveness increases thanks to hair transplants with human hair and prevents a receding hairline. The physical appearance is influenced by hair length and face shape.

Citations on social media should not always be believed, but professional stylists should be consulted who carry out hair assessments and not just give make-up tips, but help bald men to grow their hair, for example.

Care and styling for dry and oily hair

The right hair care favours hair growth and supports a healthy, well-groomed hair appearance. However, it is worth adapting the care to the respective hair type.

In the following, the care of two opposing hair types is explained, although there are of course many other hair types.

Dry hair

Dry, straw-like hair is prone to split ends and breakage – a condition that makes it difficult for hair to look healthy.

Fortunately, there are a variety of care products, such as repairing hair masks, moisturising conditioners or rinses and various hair oils, to counteract dry hair and split ends.

Careful combing after shampooing also helps to prevent further hair breakage.

Oily hair

Many people who suffer from oily hair try to counteract this by washing their hair frequently. However, this is not beneficial as it dries out the scalp and increases sebum production, which in turn causes the hair to dry out more quickly.

It is therefore completely sufficient to wash your hair every 2-3 days with a mild shampoo. Only patients with very oily hair should wash their hair daily with a special shampoo – but in this case, consult an expert first.

Regardless of whether you have thin hair or thicker hair, it is advisable to blow-dry or heat-style your hair as rarely as possible and only after using heat protection.

Growth boost through autologous blood treatment

Hair is an important part of the human appearance and can also be a form of self-expression.

For many people, hair is also a source of pride and self-confidence – so hair loss and other hair problems can have serious consequences for self-esteem.

Fortunately, there are now various ways to counteract hair loss. If you want to give your mane a growth boost, an autologous blood treatment at HAIR & SKIN is just the right thing for you.

The autologous blood treatment, also known as autohaemotherapy, deeply nourishes the hair follicles so that the hair comes back stronger or does not fall out in the first place.

What is autologous blood treatment?

The treatment is based on the body's own blood concentrate, which is rich in platelets and contains valuable stem cells.

This highly effective therapy stimulates cell renewal and regeneration, supplies your hair roots with important nutrients and thus boosts hair growth.

At the same time, the growth factors in the blood concentrate improve blood circulation and the formation of new blood vessels in the capillaries around the hair roots. They then switch into turbo mode.

The sluggish hair growth awakens from hibernation and really gets going again.

The treatment has been proven to enhance your hair structure and increase not only hair density but also hair thickness. Say hello to healthy hair!

How does autologous blood treatment work?

A small amount of blood is taken from you, which is then centrifuged. This separates the platelet-rich components and prepares them for injection.

The freshly prepared blood concentrate is then injected into your scalp by one of our doctors.

As this is a minimally invasive procedure, the scalp does not need to be anaesthetised, although this is of course possible at your request.

A single autohaemotherapy session lasts between 20 and 30 minutes on average, depending on the areas to be treated.

For the best possible results, eight treatments are recommended at intervals of four weeks. Your scalp needs these breaks to regenerate.

To achieve long-lasting results, we recommend a six-monthly or annual refresher treatment, depending on the severity of your hair loss.

What do I need to consider after the treatment?

As the autologous blood treatment is a very gentle treatment, you will be able to work, travel and socialise straight afterwards.

But keep in mind: the blood concentrate has to remain in place overnight, which may restrict your hair styling for a short time depending on the treatment time.

It is also advisable not to exercise during 24 hours after the treatment to avoid sweating, as this impairs the treatment's effect.

Overall, however, the treatment results do not take long to appear: cell regeneration and wound healing start quickly shortly after the autologous blood treatment.

Things start to happen on your head again and after a series of approx. 4 treatments, hair growth starts to increase.

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Autologous blood treatment

from £2000


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