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Hair Transplant in Summer

Hair Transplant in Summer

Miriam Otero

3 min

January 13, 2022

A hair transplant in the summer? You probably wouldn't consider this over the nice weather, holidays and spending time with the family; when it comes to summer, these are probably the first plans that come to mind.

But a hair transplant in the summer is absolutely safe and there are enough good reasons for it and why you should take the first step right now.

Reasons for a Hair Transplant in the Summer

Warm temperatures

You may think that the warm or even hot temperatures in summer are an argument against a hair transplant.

Quite the opposite! At higher temperatures, the blood circulation in the head is stronger and therefore allows the skin to regenerate faster. On a side note, your hair grows faster than in the winter.

Wound healing

Wounds can dry faster in warm air and thus crust over. This speeds up the wound healing process, allowing you to enjoy the sun again far sooner.

Immune system

Each of us knows about the flu season in the winter. These usually do not occur in the summer, because the immune system is strengthened by increased amounts of vitamin D. By the way, this also has an impact on the wound-healing process.

The result

Transplanted hairs fall out after about two to six weeks, but grow back after about three months. Since you will see the final result about a year after the treatment, you can show off your new hair to everyone in the following summer.

What You Should Pay Attention to


Pay attention to and follow the instructions of the attending physician. He will prepare you well for the time after the treatment. Follow this advice conscientiously.


Avoid heat and sunlight! Yes, this actually speaks against a hair transplant in the summer, but it is well-intentioned advice. Since heavy sweating can interfere with wound healing and also hurt, you should stay in the shade or cool rooms for the first few days after surgery. If you are outside, we strongly recommend that you wear loose head protection.


In the first two weeks you should refrain from sports and swimming should also be done with caution. In general, however, it depends on the type of sport you do. "Lighter" sports such as yoga, Nordic walking or golf can be practiced again after two weeks without any problems. With ball sports, martial arts or cycling you should wait at least four weeks.


Moderate your alcohol consumption. Alcohol opens your pores and make you sweat more easily. As you already know, this can significantly impair wound healing.

Procedure of Your Hair Transplant At HAIR & SKIN

1. Free appointment

Click here for your free consultation at our location near you.

2. Consultation & hair analysis

Our experts will perform a hair analysis and create your treatment plan.

3. Hair transplant

Start with your individual and discrete treatment, personally supervised in one of our clinics.

4. Follow-ups

Stop by for a follow-up and final check-up. All consultation and follow-up appointments are free of charge.

The Hair Transplant

Possible Results