
Say goodbye to excessive sweating in the armpits with this anti-perspiration treatment and enjoy dry skin again.


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Treatment information

Combat excessive underarm sweating with muscle relaxant treatment: Targeted injections to the armpits block the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands.

The duration of action may vary from person to person, but the effects are immediate. Finally say goodbye to sweat stains, body odor, and ineffective deodorants!

info icon Treatment Duration:
30 Minutes
info icon Regeneration:
info icon Results:

How does underarm perspiration treatment work?

The treatment is very simple. It involves injecting a muscle relaxant into the armpits to block the secretion of sweat from the eccrine glands.

skin procedure

The advantages of the muscle relaxer

Minimally invasive

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You do not have to undergo any surgical intervention.


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The treatment is described by many as painless.


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You can look forward to the results after just a few days.

Sweat treatment with muscle relaxant

To help you make a more informed decision, we have put together a step by step guide of the armpit sweat treatment journey.

Other treatment areas

Muscle relaxants can also be optimally injected into other areas to reduce wrinkles.

Frequently asked questions

How does the excessive sweating treatment work, and what active substances are used?

Which treatments do exist for hyperhidrosis?

What is the International Hyperhidrosis Society?

What is iontophoresis?

More FAQ

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Book your consultation

During your consultation, our specialists will analyse your skin to create a treatment plan tailored to your needs. The consultation is free when combined with a treatment.

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