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Medical Director Dr. Hans-Georg Dauer

9 min

November 23, 2021

Does George Clooney ever get older? Angelina Jolie seems to be passing the signs of time without a trace. And how old was Sharon Stone again – 35?

It seems like Hollywoodstars stay young forever. But how is that possible? Is it really just good genes or is it professional cosmetics?

Not necessarily, many icons also like to give the youthful skin appearance a helping hand - preferably with microneedling.

The modern anti-aging recipe has long been considered the alternative to muscle relaxant treatments – yeah, that’s right.

What does the latest beauty hype have that others don't? How exactly does it aim to stop skin aging and where can I find the best microneedling expert near me?

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling, also called mesotherapy, is a minimally invasive skin treatment. Translated, microneedling means as much as "fine stitches". And that's exactly what the treatment is all about: small needles give the skin minimal stitches. But what is it all for?

To put it simply: The micro injuries help the regeneration of our skin on the jump. In other words: the skin layers appear visibly fresher, firmer and more elastic. It’s not without reason that microneedling is celebrated worldwide as the new anti-aging secret.

Good to know: Microneedling is not just microneedling. We distinguish between two different techniques:

  • Microneedling with dermaroller (micro-needle roller): A tiny roller studded with needles is ready for the anti-aging treatment.

  • Microneedling with Dermapen (Microneedling Pen): Here you imagine an electric pen with fine vibrating needles at the tip. The advantage over the Dermaroller:

    The Dermapen works even more carefully and precisely. It places the punctures in the skin surface in a targeted manner.

    This results in less bleeding. And the less bleeding, the better the valuable growth factors are released and the rejuvenation cure is stimulated.

What is the Procedure for Microneedling?

First of all, a consultation takes place. The doctor you trust will explain the procedure, the effect and the risks of the treatment. At HAIR & SKIN, a skin scan is also carried out.

Before the treatment, the doctor thoroughly cleans and disinfects the skin. They use a local anaesthetic or an aneesthetic ointment to prepare the skin for a pleasant and painless procedure.

Now the Dermaroller or Dermapen is used. It glides about 4 to 5 times over the skin areas. With even pressure, the needles penetrate vertically into the top layer of skin. The needle length is variable. Between 0.5 and 2 millimeters are possible at HAIR & SKIN.

Your doctor can tell if the tissue has been adequately treated by the tiny pinpoint hemorrhages. To stop the minor bleeding, they use cooling pads containing hyaluronic acid.

The micro-injuries left by the needles of the Dermaroller or Dermapen play the main role in the treatment method. The reason: they specifically stimulate the natural healing process of the skin. Because if the skin is injured, it immediately initiates a regeneration process.

With fresh cells and collagen, it wants to heal the wounds as quickly as possible. And it is precisely this regeneration that makes the skin appear fresher, firmer and more youthful later on. It has rejuvenated itself, so to speak.

For optimal results, experts advise several sessions. Recommended are 4 treatments at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks each.

Did you know? Microneedling alone is good, but a combination of microneedling and autologous blood treatment is even better. In fact, this has been scientifically proven.

A study from 2017 proves that the combination therapy achieves better results than microneedling alone. The appearance of the skin is noticeably smoother and more vital – whether on the face, neck or décolleté.

Medical vs. cosmetic microneedling

In microneedling, we don’t only distinguish between dermapen and dermaroller, but also between medical and cosmetic microneedling. What is the difference?

The big difference lies in the length of the needle. In cosmetic microneedling in the beauty studio, shorter needles are used. The maximum length here is 0.5 millimeters. Thus, the skin is only superficially beautified in the beauty salon.

It’s different for medical microneedling though. Here, needles up to 2.5 millimeters long are used. This is the only way to effectively treat deeply sunken acne and burn scars, prominent wrinkles, enlarged pores, stretch marks or hyperpigmentation. This is precisely why medical microneedling may only be performed by physicians.

How Often Does my Skin Need Microneedling?

How many microneedling sessions you need cannot be answered just like that. After all, the treatment is very individual. In other words, it depends entirely on your skin type, the degree of skin aging and the desired treatment goal. But don't worry: after a detailed consultation you will be all the wiser.

On average, our patients achieve their desired result in 3 to 4 sessions. Of course, these do not follow one after the other. On the contrary, there should be 4 to 6 weeks of regeneration time between each session.

Good to know: If you want to keep your youthful radiance as long as possible, refresh the result 1 to 2 times a year.

How Long does Microneedling Take?

The duration of the facial treatment varies from patient to patient. For some it takes 30 minutes, for others up to 60 minutes. The reason: with microneedling, it depends entirely on how many areas need to be rejuvenated and how prominent the wrinkles and scars are in the skin's appearance.

By the way: If you want a combination therapy of microneedling and autohaemotherapy, you should expect a treatment time of about 60 minutes at HAIR & SKIN.

How does Microneedling work?

Microneedling activates the self-healing powers of your body. The fine needles penetrate the skin, irritate the receptors and inflict tiny injuries (micro injuries). And this is exactly what the body understands as a clear signal: it needs to regenerate itself.

But don't panic: The micro-injuries do not leave scars on the skin. Actually, the opposite is the case.

The skin immediately begins to heal. Now collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin are diligently produced - the three key components for firm, elastic and youthful skin. Even after the first session, the skin looks visibly more vibrant and supple.

Another advantage of microneedling: the small punctures make your skin much more receptive to beneficial skin care products. Immediately, valuable nutrients and growth factors make their way into the skin and unfold their rejuvenating effect.

Who is Suitable for Microneedling?

Microneedling is an all-rounder. It plays its trump card with the most diverse skin problems - especially for the following:

  • Acne scars
  • Stretch marks
  • Stretch marks
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Wrinkles

All areas of application have one thing in common: the skin has been affected – whether by age, pregnancy, injuries or persistent skin diseases such as acne. It urgently needs a rejuvenating cure.

And it is precisely this rejuvenating cure that microneedling offers. Skillfully, the fine needles activated the tired and sagging skin. They ask it, so to speak, to switch to recovery mode. This is the only way for the skin to tighten and plump up under its own power.

What are the Advantages of Microneedling?

Why microneedling of all things? Is this exactly the question you are asking yourself right now? Then let us briefly explain the magic of the new beauty trend.

  • Impressively natural look: In contrast to alternative forms of treatment, Microneedling provides a pleasantly natural effect on your facial contours.

    The skin looks more radiant and vital – without any artificial aftertaste. After all, the skin uses its own powers for rejuvenation.

  • Freshness effect without surgery: Unlike classic skin tightening, microneedling does not involve surgery. It is a minimally invasive procedure.

  • Short regeneration time: The fine incisions in the skin disappear by themselves within a short time. Thus, there is a shorter regeneration time. After 2-3 days you are socially fit again.

  • Fair price: A classic face lift is not really a good bargain. On the contrary, the treatment costs between £2,200 and £11,500, depending on the effort and skin structure.

    Microneedling is much less expensive. At HAIR & SKIN, for example, you can get a power package consisting of six autologous blood and microneedling treatments for £2,000.

What Should I do After a Microneedling Treatment?

Microneedling is a very forgiving rejuvenating treatment. With little effort, the treatment goal is achieved. Those who follow the rules after the treatment will be rewarded with a radiant complexion.

What are the risks of microneedling?

First of all, unlike alternative skin treatments such as skin tightening or wrinkle injections, microneedling is a gentle treatment. Nevertheless, various side effects can occur during and after the application.

Usually, reddening of the area already occurs during needling. In more sensitive skin types, this redness can intensify over the next few days. Swelling, crusting, pain and slight burning cannot be ruled out.

The risks are particularly high in the case of improper treatment. If too much pressure is applied to the skin, sores and eczema will quickly form. Finally, the Dermaroller and Dermapen should only exert gentle pressure on the sensitive tissue.

However, many mistakes are also made when choosing the treatment zone. Only healthy and closed skin areas are suitable for needling. The treatment is taboo for wounds, rashes, acne and herpes. Here, the skin is damaged. It cannot tolerate any more irritation.

Important: If needling is not performed professionally, it can even lead to pigment displacement. In other words, unsightly pigment spots form on the treated skin.

Another possible skin problem after microneedling: If the sensitive areas get too much sun, there is a risk of severe sunburn.

The basic rules after microneedling

  • Avoid showering for the next 24 hours.
  • Postpone your next workout until two to three days after needling.
  • Solarium visits, saunas and sunbathing are not the best idea for the first two to three weeks. The aggressive radiation could only irritate the sensitive skin even more.
  • If the sun cannot be avoided completely, sun protection is essential. Shield the freshly treated skin from the aggressive UV radiation with at least sun protection factor 50.
  • Avoid make-up completely for the next few days. This only causes unnecessary stress for your skin.

How do I care for my skin after microneedling?

Go easy on your skin care, too. Irritants such as fruit acid ointments, acne creams and anti-aging products are taboo for the first week.

  • Peelings are an absolute no-go for your particularly sensitive skin after the treatment.
  • It's best to use only natural care products with mild active ingredients such as chamomile, sage, lemon balm or aloe vera on your sensitive skin - better safe than sorry.
  • Apply care products with at least sun protection factor 50 - even if you don't go directly into the sun.

Microneedling at Home – Is it Really a Good Idea?

Why have microneedling performed by a doctor when you can do it yourself in the comfort of your own home? Many patients ask themselves this question. After all, a Dermapen or Dermaroller doesn't cost a fortune.

We at HAIR & SKIN advise you however against the self-attempt. Theoretically, the treatment is possible at home, but you will not get an expert consultation.

And the advice of an experienced dermatologist or a skilled beautician is worth its weight in gold when it comes to facial treatments.

The most important thing: the expert knows what they are doing. They are a professional at the dermapen or dermaroller. They specifically select the right treatment zones and rejuvenate them with moderate and controlled pressure.

If you do it yourself at home, you may exert too much pressure on the problem areas. Of course, the fine skin tissue does not like this at all. It quickly fights back with redness, inflammation and painful burning.

So here’s our master tip: Why not get microneedling done by HAIR & SKIN? Our trained Swiss doctors are masters of the Dermapen and Dermaroller and await you in our soon-to-be-opened London clinic. With great sensitivity and sound medical know-how they give your skin a fresh glow.

Have we aroused your interest? What are you waiting for? Contact us and get a free consultation. After all, your skin is worth it.

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