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Remedy For Hair Loss: What We Can Do About It

Remedy For Hair Loss: What We Can Do About It

Medical Director Dr. Hans-Georg Dauer

10 min

June 15, 2022

Hair loss is more than just a minor blemish. For many, it is a deep cut into their self-confidence. Without a full head of hair, they do not feel comfortable in their skin.

Understandably, they spare no expense and effort for a lively coat. Every anti-hair loss recipe suits them.

But which hair loss remedies really help and which ones should we rather keep our hands off? HAIR & SKIN looks into it.

Hair Loss – These Home Remedies Work Wonders

There's no doubt about it: The number one cause of hair loss is genes. But our genetic make-up is by no means the only hair loss trigger.

Occasionally, our lifestyle is also to blame for sparse hair growth. We have to be particularly sceptical about our diet. It is not uncommon for hair loss to be caused by a lack of nutrients and minerals.

Trace Elements – The Secret Elixir of Life of the Hair Root

If we have too few trace elements such as iron, zinc or selenium in our body, we will sooner or later have to say goodbye to a full head of hair. The reason: trace elements play a major role in hair metabolism. Without them, an important piece of the puzzle is missing.

A lack of iron hits us particularly hard. If our iron stores are almost exhausted, our hair roots lose strength, shine and stability step by step. In the worst case, we even lose them completely.

Especially in women, a persistent iron deficiency often ends with hair loss. Because especially after the period or after childbirth, the female body quickly suffers a heavy loss of blood. And the more blood it loses, the more iron it loses.

Do you suspect an iron deficiency? Then don't hesitate for long and have a blood count done by the doctor you trust. Then you will finally know for sure in a few days.

Not only iron, but also zinc, copper and selenium are associated with hair loss. If our body does not get enough of the valuable trace elements, the quality of skin, hair and nails deteriorates promptly. They appear tired, limp and lifeless.

But that doesn't have to be the case. With a little mindfulness during your next shopping trip, you can quickly get a grip on your nutritional deficiencies. These foods are expressly desired in the shopping basket:

  • Legumes (lentils, beans, peas)
  • Whole grain products (rice, bread, pasta)
  • Eggs
  • Green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, leeks)

Vitamins – freshness boost for hair

Besides trace elements, our body is also crazy about vitamins. Especially from vitamin B7, better known as biotin, our starved hair roots can not get enough - always here with the delicacies.

After all, biotin plays a key role in the synthesis of skin, hair and nails. So, what are you waiting for? Grab these biotin miracles and bring your hair back to life:

  • Milk

  • Oatmeal

  • Eggs

  • Nuts & Seeds

  • Mushrooms

  • Soybeans

But not only biotin, our hair roots also find vitamin D delicious. Understandable, after all, the sun vitamin provides our organism with precious nutrients. So let's get out into the fresh air and soak up the sun.

But what do we do in winter? Don't worry, with the right foods in the fridge we can enjoy strong and healthy hair even in extreme temperatures. It's best to reach for these delicious hair boosters on a regular basis:

  • Fish (mackerel, herring, salmon)
  • Cod Liver Oil
  • Egg yolk
  • Margarine
  • Edible Mushrooms

Good to know: Your diet plan is top notch but still can't get rid of the nutrient deficiency? Don't panic, with high-quality food supplements you can get the problem under control faster. The best place to get advice is your local pharmacy or drugstore.

Cosmetic Aids From the Drugstore

Alopecia patients also quickly find what they are looking for in the drugstore. The shelves are well stocked with caffeine shampoos in particular – first and foremost with Alpecin. Their little secret of success: caffeine. Not only in the morning in the coffee cup, but also on the scalp, the stimulant is said to work wonders.

It reliably stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, improving the supply of nutrients to tired hair roots and kick-starting hair growth. Another plus: The shampoos, hair tonics and tinctures with caffeine are supposed to protect the scalp from the hair loss hormone DHT.

But how effective are the caffeine products really? The advertising rolls over with praise, but the dermatologists hold back. Not infrequently they criticize the touted secret weapons against hair loss as hot air. Because in reality, the invigorating effect is often long in coming.

And the biggest disadvantage: as soon as we stop using the products, the anti-hair loss effect stops. So caffeine shampoos & co. are only a temporary solution.

It All Comes Down to The Right Hair Care

But not only with anti-hair loss drugs can serve the drugstore. There is also no shortage of care products here.

Uninteresting? Not at all, because hair loss naturally also depends on the right hair care. How about a few simple tips from a professional?

  • Use mild care products, ideally without silicones, paraffins and parabens. They only unnecessarily stress the sensitive hair follicles.
  • Treat your hair once a week to a rich hair treatment with natural active ingredients.
  • Massage your scalp with hair oil. How about coconut oil, for example? It stimulates the blood circulation and smells seductively exotic.
  • If possible, avoid tight hair ties with rough metal elements. You're better off with silky scrunchies. The trend from the 1980s gently encloses your hair, conjures up great hairstyles and is also gentle on the scalp - jackpot.
  • Comb your hair after shampooing with a high-quality brush with natural hair bristles. It detangles your hair without weighing it down.

Medical Remedies for Hair Loss

Not only the drugstore, but also medicine is developing promising solutions against hair loss. One of them is the active ingredient minoxidil, which owes its fame specifically to the anti-hair loss drug Regaine.

Minoxidil is particularly popular for hereditary hair loss. Whether as a solution or as a shampoo - Minoxidil has been proven to increase blood flow to the scalp.

The better the blood flow to the scalp, the better the supply of nutrients to the hair roots. And the more nutrients the hair roots absorb, the thicker, healthier and stronger the hair coat.

Other ingredients are also very popular, following the same successful concept: to stop the so-called enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which lowers the concentration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). And the less DHT in circulation, the better the hair roots are protected.

Attention: Medical remedies such as Minoxidil sound like a dream solution at first, but often they are not. After all, we have to take the preparations permanently to bring our hair loss under control. If we stop taking them, the alopecia will continue to progress.

The Autologous Blood Treatment

Good news for all hair loss sufferers: aesthetic hair medicine has developed a revolutionary new method – autologous blood treatment, also known as autohaemotherapy.

The principle: With your own blood you get your tired hair roots going again. Because would you have thought that your blood is a real nutrient grenade? Even a small amount feeds the hungry scalp with many precious active ingredients.

And it's that simple:

  • First of all, the doctor will take blood from you. But don't worry: a small amount is enough.
  • They then process your blood in a centrifuge. In this way, they gain access to the many valuable nutrients.
  • Now they isolate the nutrient-rich blood concentrate from the remaining components. They pick out the best, so to speak.
  • And last but not least, they inject the natural nutrient bundle into the battered scalp.

By the way: You are looking for a specialist for autohaemotherapy in your area? Consider HAIR & SKIN: As the Swiss market leader in aesthetic hair treatments, we are now extending our expertise to the UK. At our modern London clinic, our experts are at your side with their specialist knowledge.

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Autologous Blood Treatment

from  £2,000


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The Hair Transplant

An alternative to autohaemotherapy is hair transplantation. It permanently refreshes bald spots and thinning areas on the scalp – with the patient's own hair. The physician removes healthy hair roots from a heavily overgrown donor area, usually at the back of the head, and plants them in the problem areas.

In order to be able to firmly root the donor hairs with the recipient area, the physician exposes tiny channels on the scalp with an extremely fine blade. The narrower the channels, the lower the risk of scars later on.

Once the channels are open, the doctor begins with the transplantation. Step by step, he inserts the individual hair roots – along the natural direction of growth, of course. Finally, the transplants should blend as harmoniously and naturally as possible into the existing hair coat.

The special thing about hair transplantation is that the new hair remains permanently. However, you will need a little patience until this happens.

The reason: Immediately after the procedure, in most cases there is shock loss. Suddenly the freshly transplanted hair roots fall out again. Of course, this causes panic at first. What is happening right now?

But don't worry: it's all above board. The hair roots are simply damaged from the treatment, because they were cut off from the body's natural nutrient supply for too long. They took it badly.

But after the initial shock, they quickly recover. Already after 2 to 3 months of waiting, the lost hair roots gradually grow back. At first, a fine down is formed, but over time it becomes denser and stronger.

The final result is achieved after 9 to 12 months of regeneration. Now the bald patches, bald spots and receding hairline are well hidden under dense donor hair. And the problem is already solved: finally you no longer have to bother with your alopecia.

I like the sound of that. Now you are also thinking about a hair transplant? Only one thing is missing for you to get a new head of hair – an experienced specialist in the UK? We know someone – HAIR & SKIN.

Our experts are specialized in aesthetic medical treatment. For many years they have been making alopecia patients happy with their expertise. Maybe soon you will be one of them?

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Hair Transplant

from £6,500


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Real Talk – Why Does Hair Loss Happen in the First Place?

The diagnosis "hair loss" is not a rare diagnosis. On the contrary, every fourth woman and every second man gets to hear it at least once in their lives. All the louder is the question of why. Why do so many suffer from pathological hair loss?

Why don't we summarize the most common causes together?

  • The genes: The most common form of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia. Here, the hormone dihydrotestosterone is up to mischief. Little by little, it kills our healthy hair roots. The curious thing is that the back of the head seems to be immune to DHT. It is little impressed by the hair loss hormone.

  • Alopecia areata: In rare cases, coin-sized bald patches form on the scalp. The special feature: They are circular – hence the name circular hair loss. Overall, about 2 percent of the population is affected by this rare disease.

    The exact cause is not yet known. However, researchers suspect a violent autoimmune reaction of the body behind the condition. It begins to fight itself – unfortunately also its healthy hair cells.

  • Diffuse hair loss: If the alopecia does not follow a specific pattern as in androgenetic alopecia or alopecia areata, it is called diffuse hair loss. In other words, the entire hair coat thins out. This is often observed during menopause or after childbirth.

    But also chronic stress or deficiency symptoms such as iron deficiency often cause diffuse hair loss. From time to time, diffuse alopecia is also due to medication. Did you know that hair loss is a common side effect of medications?

Hair Loss – A Flaw That Can Be Fixed

When we are diagnosed with hair loss, we first panic: Oh no, we are powerless against it. Do we have to walk around with receding hairlines, bald patches or even a bald head for the rest of our lives? Not a thrilling idea.

No, this does not have to be. We at HAIR & SKIN are convinced: hair loss is not a fate that can no longer be reversed. On the contrary: with the right means we can get our old hair back. There we have for example the autohaemotherapy or the hair transplantation.

How exactly you ultimately proceed against your light areas, we simply decide in a personal conversation. Let's talk calmly about your problem and go through your medical options in a relaxed atmosphere.

And by the way, have we told you about our consultation? It includes a hair analysis and helps you to find your best hair loss treatment.

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